Visit the room rental web page and click on the yellow Request a Rental Now button at the bottom of the page.

Room descriptions and rates are provided on the web page and the online rental request form.


Using the Online Rental Request Form

On the online rental request form, select the Rental Type (Regular or Non-Profit), choose the date you want to rent, and then select the branch.

Click on the room you'd like to rent to see the room details. Green blocks represent time slots available for renting, and dark grey blocks are unavailable periods.

All rooms are rented for a minimum of one hour except for Centennial Hall, BPL’s event space at Central Branch, which requires a minimum of four hours. After the minimum time, rooms can be rented in 30-minute increments.

When requesting rental of Centennial Hall, additional questions are included in the online form to help us better understand your rental needs.