To resume/reactivate your paused hold, log in to your online MY BPL account through the website:
  1. Select Log In/My BPL in the upper right corner of the website. Enter your library card# or username and 4-digit PIN, and click log in.
  2. My Library Dashboard displays on the left side of the screen; under My Borrowing, click 'On Hold.'
  3. A bolded number # is displayed at the upper right-hand side of each item listed under 'On Hold.' To the left of the number, it displays the hold's status as not ready or paused.
  4. To reactivate the paused hold, click the black Resume Hold button. A green strip will appear at the bottom of the screen Successfully resumed hold(s). and the wording on the black button will change to Pause Hold.

Example: This item is currently Paused 

#1 on 2 copies
Pick up at 
Central Library
Expires on 
Mar. 13, 2022

Resume Hold
Cancel Hold
For Later