Sometimes books borrowed in Overdrive do not automatically sync to your Kobo. Try:
- Log out of your Overdrive account on your Kobo, found in "More" > "Settings" > "Overdrive". Power the Kobo off. After 10 seconds, power the Kobo back on, and log into your Overdrive account again.
- Sync your Kobo by tapping the circular arrow Sync icon at the top of the screen.
- If the Overdrive eBook you have borrowed still will not appear in your Kobo library, it may be a Kobo compatibility issue. To open an Overdrive item on a Kobo, the Kobo store has to own the exact same edition (ISBN) as Overdrive. If Kobo owns a different edition of the item (different ISBN) or no version at all, the item cannot be accessed on a Kobo. Please contact library staff for assistance to diagnose if this is the reason for the issue.